X-Mouse Button Control (XMBC) allows you to create application and window specific profiles. It is a freeware button controlling application.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Reconfigure mouse controls and buttons. Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control - 2410px · 1502pxFree utility to customize your mouse. Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control - 2410px · 1502pxCan do a lot more than just point and click. Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control - 2410px · 1502pxMapping new functions to its buttons. Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control - 2410px · 1502pxAvailable on Windows PCs. Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control - 2410px · 1502pxVersions available for older operating systems. Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control - 2410px · 1502pxSupports various functions in different Windows operating systems. Screenshot of X-Mouse Button Control - 2410px · 1502px